The PODEBA project aims at demonstrating the use of an innovative material, a recycled treated waste (poultry dejection), as bating agent in the leather tanning process, for the production of new leather products with a significantly higher eco-sustainability profile. The environmental impact of the project is evidenced through the following means:

  • Recycling and use in an innovative application of a waste, poultry dejection, characterized by high environmental problems for management and disposal.
  • Application of an innovative treatment able to deodorize poultry dejections, based on the use of an European patented recipe (plant enzyme mixtures).
  • Use of recycled waste instead of industrial products with saving of economical costs and energy and water consumption.
  • Drastic reduction of the high environmental impact of tannery wastewater by using a natural product instead of traditional industrial products in the bating phase.
  • Production of leather products with antimicrobial, self-cleaning, biological, eco-friendly properties for well-being, health, product customization, clothing and smart furnishing.